The aim of Dynamic Office Solutions is to be the principal source of supply for the delivery of office seating and furniture to the UK and Continental Europe market. In doing so we recognise that our operations will have an impact on the environment. Concern for the environment will be a fundamental part of the decision making in all aspects of the company's activities, including capital investment and in the allocation of resources. All company sites will implement and support the environmental management system that is appropriate to their potential environmental impact.
Summary statement: Dynamic is committed to actions and procedures that will have a minimal effect on the environment. Where possible the company and its employees will positively reinforce established best practice when actions are likely to influence the environment.
- Recycling: Waste materials are sorted by type within all Dynamic premises. Separate disposal points are established throughout the business for paper, plastics, glass and non-landfill waste products. All recyclable waste is assigned for collection to recycling programmes.
All employees are made aware of these recycling policies on induction.
- Paperless policy: The company is committed to reducing the use of paper and toner within its ongoing business. Employees are trained in the importance of reducing usage of these materials in their working practices. When possible employees store information electronically and avoid printing. Our goal is to reduce the usage of paper and where possible use only recycled paper products.
- Transport: Dynamic is fully aware of the implications to the environment of its transport usage. All drivers are made aware of the importance of eco-driving practices when using company vehicles. Many have already undertaken approved eco driving training as part of their career path. Where possible company vehicles have high eco credentials (Dynamic has several hybrid and plug-in electric vehicles in its fleet).
- Suppliers: Dynamic places a responsibility for environmental responsibility on its vendors. Visits to manufacturing facilities are undertaken by Dynamic management and checks on actions and practices within those facilities are audited. The company considers key suppliers' environmental policies and credentials as part of the process for evaluation and selection
- Energy: Dynamic is committed to reducing carbon emissions created by using energy for the lighting, heating and cooling of its premises. All staff are instructed on the importance of ensuring lights are switched off in non-populated areas. Heating is reduced or switched-off when not required. Where possible warehouses and production areas utilise "live area only" passive infra-red operated lighting systems to reduce energy usage.
- Legal obligations: Dynamic ensures, as a minimum, compliance with all applicable legal requirements, as well as meeting or exceeding other requirements appropriate to the company's activities. Dynamic will monitor and report, internally and externally, the environmental impact of the company's operations. It strives for continuous environmental improvement through the setting and reviewing of objectives and targets
- Holistic: Dynamic will operate in ways that contribute to lowering energy and fuel usage, reducing carbon emissions, and where possible, reduce and recycle waste throughout the entire supply chain. We continually analyse our activities to ensure any risk of pollution, contamination or other environmental impact is controlled and, if possible eliminated.
Dynamic strives to be a responsible supplier to its customers, and their end-users. Find out more about our commitment to the environment here.
We take our impact on the environment seriously. To help our customers and consumers care for the planet we operate a series of initiatives. Some relate to the products you buy, some to the packaging they are contained in and some to end-of-life disposal.
Dynamic carefully specifies all packaging. Where possible cardboard and paper are used from renewable sources to protect our products. We plan in certain packaging to utilise off-cuts created in the manufacturing process to help provide protection in transit. Our packaging materials can be further re-cycled to enter the raw materials chain to be used again and again thus reducing the impact on the environment and the need to use more newly created materials.
Product design:
Our designers have an ongoing brief from Dynamic to use environmentally friendly materials where possible. Wood from a sustainable source that is FSC accredited is an integral part of our standing brief. For instance our furniture is all FSC accredited and from sustainable sources.
Metals, fabrics and plastics can all be re-cycled. Manufacturers are charged with using only production values and materials that are sustainable. Dynamic conducts factory visits on a regular basis and at least one “parachute” visit a year when we arrive unannounced for a snap inspection.
An example is our fabrics which can all be re-cycled and returned into the materials cycle. Many metres of our old fabrics are utilised in the manufacture of alternative fabrics for high wear situations such as public transport seats. Other areas where they are used include the production of plastic bottles and plastic fittings for the building and industrial sector.
We all want to stop the scourge of rubbish dumping that can scar our countryside. At Dynamic we are passionate about being able to offer solutions to our customers (or their end-user consumers) that will provide sensible, managed options when it comes to disposing of our products at the end of their life.
We want to reduce landfill space or at the very least we want to ensure the products we have supplied are disposed of responsibly in an authorised and managed site. At Dynamic we are passionate about it and we have created a unique programme for customers and end-users to help avoid our products contributing to the burgeoning pressure that disposing of materials can present. Our programme has two options. They are:
Standard – We will take our products from you free of charge (whether you are our reseller customer or an end-user) and once we have received it at our Midlands base we will arrange for disposal via one of our specialist commercial waste management partners.
Collection – We can arrange for our specialist waste management partners to visit your premises (UK mainland) and collect the products for disposal. They will inspect the products and minimise any landfill element which will be sent for re-cycling. Other materials will go to a professionally managed waste site.
Audited ethical – As above but the products are manually sorted, raw materials segregated (plastics, alloys, steel, fabric, plastics, wood) and sent for re-cycling. A full audit report is provided to the product owner that demonstrates the complete ethical responsibility of this route.
Pricing Policy
Whilst we are pleased to have many UK suppliers Dynamic, like most other competitor businesses in the UK office furniture and seating market, purchases much of its raw materials and components from its own factory partners abroad in Euros and Dollars.
The volatility of the Sterling to € and $ exchange rate has increased in recent years. We have a comprehensive programme that incorporates our supply partners to provide as much price stability as possible.
Our strategy is designed to achieve three key objectives:
- Continue to provide outstanding quality service and products
- Create stability in our business to continue to service our customers
- Enable our customers to remain the most competitive in the market
To help us achieve this we have created a number of buying disciplines. Whilst we would not suggest they are infallible, they are designed to reduce the volatility in our own buying and as a result smooth pricing to our customers. The result is a more stable pricing approach that gives customers the reassurance of pricing consistency.
Economists and other pundits are split on where this may end. Nobody has a definitive version of future events as they will unveil in the currency markets and investment houses.
We continue to work with finance partners to achieve best practice and stability.