Corporate Social Responsibility

As a Company, we recognise that we are responsible for not only complying with strict ethical, legal and professional standards but also for the impact of our activities on society and the environment. We require all employees to maintain exceptionally high standards of business and personal ethics within the remit of their role. All employees must act with honesty and integrity when dealing with colleagues, the public, the wider community, suppliers, clients and government authorities. The Company are committed to acting responsibly throughout its business operations, seeking to minimise any potential negative impacts on people and the environment and to maximise its positive contribution to the local community and society in which it operates.

We are adamant that our business growth will not be at the expense of the environment, quality of life or social equity. No employee should act with disregard to any applicable law, Company policy or government regulation in pursuit of Company profitability or through loyalty to the Company.

We are committed to reviewing and continuously improving our social responsibility practices and encourage our business partners to implement corporate social responsibilities appropriate to their businesses.

As a socially responsible business, our suppliers, local community and customers have a right to expect that we operate under strong ethical principles and we are proud to confirm that we trade according to the following Ethical Trading Criteria:

  • All employment is freely chosen and we will make no use of forced labour
  • Working conditions are safe and hygienic. We have an active Health and Safety culture and training is regularly given
  • Child labour is not used
  • Wages are fair and comparable to others in our sector and wherever possible exceed the minimum wage. All workers are provided with written and understandable information about their employment conditions in respect of pay both prior to entering employment and for each pay period.
  • Deductions from wages as a disciplinary measure shall not be permitted
  • Working hours are not excessive
  • Regular employment is provided for those employed on a permanent contract of employment
  • No bribery or corruption is permitted
  • We will not tolerate bullying or harassment or discrimination and will provide employees with equal opportunities regardless of their gender, age, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, race, religion or national origin. The Company has a full and comprehensive Equal Opportunities Policy available in the Employee Handbook and all employees should be aware of this.


Like other Companies, our activities impact on the environment and we are committed to the continual improvement of our performance in reducing and minimising this impact through the adoption of sustainable practices. As such we will:

  • Comply with and where possible exceed the minimum requirements of all applicable environmental legislation and relevant codes of practice
  • Implement best working practices to minimise the risk of pollution to the environment and establish procedures to deal with any pollution incidents in a rapid and effective manner
  • Minimise waste materials sent to landfill by encouraging recovery, reuse and recycling
  • Minimise the use of raw materials and natural resources such as water and energy, where practicable, through efficient production techniques, best practice and environmental monitoring techniques
  • Raise staff awareness of the Company's environmental impacts by providing the necessary training and resources, to promote good working practices and encourage employees to act in an environmentally responsible manner
  • Consider the environmental impact of capital projects from the outset and include environmental considerations in the specification of new equipment
  • Promote the recovery, recycling and reuse of our products and work with our customers to understand the environmental impact of our products through their life cycle
  • Understand the sensitivities of our customers, including the pressures of growing and changing statutory and public concern about environmental issues and assist them in complying with environmental best practice.
  • Require good environmental practices of our suppliers and encourage them to develop their environmental policies
  • Respect the environmental concerns of the local communities in which we operate
  • Regularly review progress on policy objectives and improvement targets

This policy has the support and commitment of management and employees and is made available to all employees at induction.

As a working document, it will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary.